2024 2nd International Conference on Management Innovation and Economy Development (MIED 2024)




Prof. Wenbing Zhao, IEEE Senior Member

Cleveland State University, America

Brief Introduction: Dr. Zhao is a full professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at Cleveland State University (CSU), Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He received his bachelor's and master's degrees in physics from Peking University in 1990 and 1993, respectively, and his master's and doctoral degrees in Electrical and Computer engineering from the University of Western Ontario in 1998 and 2002. Before joining Cleveland State University, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Peking University. His research interests include distributed computing, computer and network security management, blockchain management and applications, intelligence and connected healthcare.

Prof. Zhikai Wang, Ph.D. Supervisor

Zhejiang University, China

Brief Introduction: Dr. Wang has published more than 100 articles in academic journals and 7 books. Journals of publication include The Singapore Economic Review, and Special Issue on China Fiscal Policy, World Scientific Press. There are many other famous works of his include China Private Economic Development Report, Rebalancing China’s Economy for Long Term Growth published by Shanghai: Fudan Univ. Press, Private Sector Development and Urbanization in China, etc.



Prof. Huaping SUN, Ph.D. Supervisor

Jiangsu University, China

Brief Introduction: Huaping Sun is a professor at the School of Finance and Economics/Institute of Industrial Economics, Jiangsu University. He was born in 1979 in Jining, Shandong Province, China, and received his Ph.D. in Economics at the School of Economics, Zhejiang University in 2011. His research focuses are industrial low-carbon economics and global value chain innovation, energy economy, and environmental governance. He has published more than 30 SCI/SSCI papers in journals like Energy, Energy Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, etc.

Prof. Peiwen Bai

Xiamen University, China

Brief Introduction: Prof. Bai received his doctorate degree in Management from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006. He is now a professor at the School of Economics, Xiamen University, a doctoral supervisor, deputy director of the Institute of Economics, deputy editor of 'China's Economic Problems'", visiting scholar at Monash University, chief expert of major projects of National Social Science Foundation, and Vice President of Fujian Economic Society. As the first author or independent author, he has published more than 80 papers in journals such as Economic Research, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Management World, Applied Economics, International Review of Economics & Finance, and one monograph. He has presided over a number of research projects including major projects of the National Social Science Fund, major projects of the Ministry of Education Base, National Social Science Fund, Humanities and Social Science planning projects of the Ministry of Education, and key projects of Social science in Fujian Province.  His research interests are labor economy, income distribution, factor allocation, and corporate governance.
